Unexpected disruptions have always been a fact of life. And now we are going through the Godzilla of disruptions. Nobody likes it when they show up.. Well, because they are painful and scary and messy and life is never the same afterward. And that’s my point: disruptions are the most fertile time we have for intentionally and consciously making changes in our life. Let me explain:
- What do you want for yourself that you have given up on, or put off until “sometime later?”
- What are you putting up with that is making you unhappy or leaving you unfulfilled?
- Who do you want to be as a person — what qualities do you want to be demonstrating that you haven’t been able to do consistently?
- Imagine that this disruption is really a magic wand, what would you choose to change about yourself and your life starting now?
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Very inspirational! I am a General Manager at a boutique hotel. What I am working on: To be more inspiring to my team. It is easy right now,as there are just a few team members, I am working on how I can keep this going, once I have my full team back. Baby steps: Inspire and motivate a few each day, and also concentrate more on what the team does well, not vice versa. Thank you for taking the time to make these videos!
Hi Gabriele, I think that is a wonderful goal! I am also an executive coach who teaches leadership to CEOs and their teams, and the intention you described is excellent!
This was a powerful reminder of the extraordinary opportunities that are available when we are in a place of some kind of “stillness”. Whether that is a deep meditation, an intentional taking time to go internal and process at a place of focus and centering, or something like the current situation that induces that “stop motion” in so many ways for so many of us. Always, taking the time to go deep within, to ask our higher selves and our most profound inner knowing for the next right thing, and to step onto our personal Pathway to Radiance.
Beautifully said Rachel, thank you!
I have thinking and saying that when we come out on the other side of this pandemic, the world will be very different. These disruptions will lead to change, change that I have been working and waiting for. It is scary to think about the changes, but I am trying to embrace it all and mold myself into who I really am. I think I will start painting again. Thank you Mark for this excellent video and reminders.
Lisa, I can completely relate to the points you are making, including thinking the new world will be a bit scary. I love that you are seeing the importance of tuning into your Inner Truth and letting that guide who and how you will be in your life! I believe that one of our reasons for incarnating is Creative Expression, so I celebrate you getting back to your painting. love and blessings, Mark
I appreciate you framing this as a pattern interrupt. That truly crystallized meaning for me about this event facing humanity. Also thanks for the reminder to keep my vibration high for myself, those around and other lightworkers.
Thank you! You have a beautiful Light that I’m sure is making a difference for the people in your life!
This was so powerful me! My goal is really preparing myself to be who I am…and stop being what I am not. I’m not sure why I’m not freaking out right now…normally something smaller than the corona virus could send me in panic and turmoil. But there’s something so big going on and I am making it my intention every day to study, learn, and get to know myself….I’ve been so focused on wanting to “arrive” that it just recently dawned on me the “becoming” is quite the adventure and I’m enjoying this time. Thanks so much for this teaching and the thought provoking questions. I appreciate you Mark! You have helped me on this journey more than I could ever say!
I’m delighted for you Susan! Much love to you!